ARTISTS CONNECTING IN TRANSITION (ACT) is an international programme hosted by D6 (UK), Arthereistanbul (Turkey), MedeArts (Jordan) and the Fanak Fund (who work across the Arab speaking world).
Funded by a British Council International Collaboration Grant, ACT is a unique cultural collaboration for artists and producers, centring on artistic practice and international exchange in the context of significant global challenges and inequalities around forced migration, exile and displacement. The programme has been developed with collaboration and learning at the heart of its approach. ACT sets out to create environments of care, creativity and support for artists whose practice has been disrupted through forced migration.
We have selected artists Amak Mahmoodian and Zariq Rosita-Hanif as the two UK artists who will participate in residencies at the D6 studio within a group of six exceptional artists across the project.
During 2022 and 2023, ACT’s ambitious programme of in-person and online activities will include six artist residencies in UK, Turkey and Jordan, international workshops, a digital launch of artworks and local exhibitions.
Funded by a British Council International Collaboration Grant, ACT is a unique cultural collaboration for artists and producers, centring on artistic practice and international exchange in the context of significant global challenges and inequalities around forced migration, exile and displacement. The programme has been developed with collaboration and learning at the heart of its approach. ACT sets out to create environments of care, creativity and support for artists whose practice has been disrupted through forced migration.
We have selected artists Amak Mahmoodian and Zariq Rosita-Hanif as the two UK artists who will participate in residencies at the D6 studio within a group of six exceptional artists across the project.
During 2022 and 2023, ACT’s ambitious programme of in-person and online activities will include six artist residencies in UK, Turkey and Jordan, international workshops, a digital launch of artworks and local exhibitions.
belonging - virtual exhibitionOn International Migrants Day we are delighted to launch Belonging, a new virtual exhibition featuring 11 artists. Beyond borders, the virtual nature of the exhibition means that geography and mobility are not barriers to sharing these incredible artworks.
Challenges of Artistic practice in exileTo mark the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ACT partners share learnings and recommendations made during the course of ACT, setting out an equitable approach to the inclusion of displaced artists.
artists selected for belongingMeet the artists selected to take part in a new virtual exhibition curated by arthereistanbul. Belonging will showcase seven newly selected artists and four artists from recent ACT residencies.
UK Event: exploring dialogues of exile in artistic practiceJoin us for an evening of art and conversation with artists Amak Mahmoodian and Zariq Rosita-Hanif, presenting new work and exploring equitable approaches to the inclusion of displaced artists. Find out more here.
Turkey: open studioThe artists presented new work spanning photography, film, painting, poetry and virtual reality at an open studio hosted by Arthereistanbul. Find out more here.
Dialogues of Exile in ART: interview with UK artistsAmak Mahmoodian and Zariq Rosita-Hanif reflect on their residencies at D6, the journey of their art and both the challenges and necessity of exploring traumatic experiences through art. Find out more here.
DIGITAL COMMISSIONSThese digital commissions by artists Amak Mahmoodian and Zariq Rosita-Hanif draw on their work in progress while in residence at D6.
UK: CAPACITY BUILDING workshop, residency AND PUBLIC EVENTD6 welcomed UK-based artists and partners to Newcastle for capacity building workshops and a public event at the Star and Shadow. Find out more here.
JORDAN: Residency and capacity building workshopOur first capacity building workshop led by MedeArts and the first artist residency of the project took place in Irbid, Jordan. Find out more here.
ArtistsSix exceptional artists have been selected for our residency programme connecting Jordan, Turkey and the UK. Find out more here.