Daniel Spence
Semilunar is a short animated film, which represents the life blood of a metropolitan city entering cardiac arrest under the stress of its own weight. The themes are visualized through complex traffic networks and elements of time-lapse photography. The audio uses the city’s infrastructure to create a familiar soundscape gradually transitioning into something more sinister.
Credits: Animation: Daniel Spence, Sound design: Chemo Castronovo, Monolith Manufact
We screened Daniel's work 'Semilunal' at the Göteborg Culture Festival 2012, Sweden in the Big M, check it out here.
Credits: Animation: Daniel Spence, Sound design: Chemo Castronovo, Monolith Manufact
We screened Daniel's work 'Semilunal' at the Göteborg Culture Festival 2012, Sweden in the Big M, check it out here.