Adam Butcher
The story of Bradley Manning, not as a Wikileaks 'hacktivist', but as a young American soldier simultaneously going through a crisis-of-conscience and a crisis-of-gender-identity. Using Adrian Lamo’s chat logs of instant messenger conversations he had with Bradley, the film explores issues of personal and political secrets, digital identity and alienation.
Bradley Manning Had Secrets won Best Short Film at Mix Copenhagen 2012
Credits: Written and Directed: Adam Butcher, Voice Actors: Danny Mahoney and Angus Dunican, Film Crew: Alisdair Cairns and Alec Milne, Animation: Ben Claxton and Adam Butcher, Original Soundtrack: Blair Mowat
A Digitalis Commission for Animate Projects.
Supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and by the Jerwood Charitable Foundation.
We screened Adam's video work 'Bradley Manning had Secrets' at the Göteborg Culture Festival 2012, Sweden in the Big M, check it out here.
Bradley Manning Had Secrets won Best Short Film at Mix Copenhagen 2012
Credits: Written and Directed: Adam Butcher, Voice Actors: Danny Mahoney and Angus Dunican, Film Crew: Alisdair Cairns and Alec Milne, Animation: Ben Claxton and Adam Butcher, Original Soundtrack: Blair Mowat
A Digitalis Commission for Animate Projects.
Supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and by the Jerwood Charitable Foundation.
We screened Adam's video work 'Bradley Manning had Secrets' at the Göteborg Culture Festival 2012, Sweden in the Big M, check it out here.