An open letter to the UK Government to keep the UK in the Creative Europe programmE
Over 250 European cultural leaders and arts organisations have signed the letter below urging the UK’s Secretary of State, Rt Hon Oliver Dowden to reverse the decision to take the UK out of Creative Europe, the EU’s funding programme for the cultural and creative sectors.
We know so well that being part of the Creative Europe programme not only amplifies the UK arts and creative industries but provides financial support to hundreds of organisations like ours - £79 million to 376 UK-based organisations from 2014-2018.
Our European colleagues and cultural leaders believe that the UK makes a vital contribution to the cultural life of Europe. If you do to, then support our campaign on social media using #Together4CreativeEurope.
Open Letter
8 September 2020
Dear Secretary of State for Culture, Rt Hon Oliver Dowden,
We the undersigned would like to express our disappointment at the UK decision to withdraw from the Creative Europe programme from 2021. We represent European arts and cultural organisations, networks, artists, musicians, performers, dancers, policy makers, across the whole European creative sector.
The Creative Europe programme supports a unique collaborative approach to cultural development, production and presentation, drawing on expertise in participating countries to produce the best and most innovative results. The UK has a clear role to play in providing and building that expertise, with UK organisations currently involved in 42% of Creative Europe Cooperation Projects, the second most partnered country in this scheme.
A Creative Europe grant brings the opportunity to build networks and form relationships for future work, but it is also a chance to develop empathy and understanding of people outside of our own ever decreasing echo chambers. It is a vehicle to build community and a vehicle to promote peace and prosperity.
The Creative Europe programme exposes our Creative and Cultural Sectors to the talent and expertise available in the UK and provides opportunities for your cultural sector to operate in the EU27 and beyond. From 2014-18 Creative Europe awarded €89.5 million (£79 million) to 376 UK-based cultural and creative organisations and audiovisual companies; reaching audiences of 61m, 7m of those in the UK.
Our UK friends and colleagues make a vital contribution to the cultural life of Europe, and for many of us the Creative Europe programme is the springboard for working with the UK. Without continued UK participation, successful collaborations will fade away, to the detriment of the UK and the rest of Europe.
The decision to close this route for collaboration is shortsighted and unnecessary. It brings no evident benefit to the cultural sector in the UK, or indeed to those of us wanting to bring UK organisations and artists into our national or pan European programmes. We respectfully ask that you reconsider this decision.
Yours Sincerely,
Marine Karoyan, artistic director of ARé Festival, Yerevan, Armenia
Michal Glikson: visual artist/ researcher, Peripatetic and cross-cultural practice, Australia
Erika Thümmel, FH Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria
Ludwig Zeier, Head of uniT GmbH, Graz, Austria
Annalee Davis, Independent visual artist & founding director, The Fresh Milk Art Platform Inc., Barbados
Anika Arevalo, Secretariat, on behalf of Amateo/The European Network for Active Participation in Cultural Activities, Belgium
Tere Badia, Secretary General, Culture Action Europe, Brussels, Belgium
Marieke De Munck, Curator Arts Centre Vooruit, Ghent, Belgium
Kea Hoppe, Deputy Director, European Educational Exchanges - Youth For Understanding, Brussels, Belgium
Virginie Michils, Head of the cultural department of Ostend, Belgium
Ása Richardsdóttir, Secretary General, IETM - International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Martine Vandermaes, Head of the Ostend Public Library, Belgium
Valerie Vernimme, administrator Kaaitheater, Brussels, Belgium
Aida Kalender, cultural policy researcher and manager, Director of AKCIJA Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Atanas Maev, CEO of Derida Dance Center/ Art link foundation, Sofia, Bulgaria
Kamelia Nikolova, Head of Theatre Studies Department, National Academy of Theatre and Film Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria
Stanislava Tasheva, Project Manager, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Dimitar Uzunov, Artistic Director of Famille Mundi theatre company and Arte Urbana Collectif, Bulgaria and France
Zvonimir Dobrović, President of Domino associacion, Zagreb, Croatia
Marija Katalinic; Participatory Program Manager, Rijeka 2020 - European capital of culture, Rijeka, Croatia
Marijana Rimanić, Communication Manager, Pogon - Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth, Croatia
Janja Sesar, director, Pogon - Zagreb Center for Independent Culture and Youth, Croatia
Aleksandra Uzelac, IRMO - Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb, Croatia
Vanda Velagić, Producer, Drugo more, Croatia
Dean Zahtila, President of Labin Art Express XXI, Labin, Croatia
Nora Hadjisotiriou, Atlantis Culture, Nicosia, Cyprus
Christina Skarpari, Creative Director and Founder, Xarkis LTD, Cyprus
Argyro Toumazou, Cultural Producer, Director Multi-Arts Crossings Nicosia, Cyprus
Alexis Vassiliou, Artistic Director-Dance House Lemesos/ Artist, Limassol, Cyprus
Yvona Kreuzmannová, Founder and Director, Tanec Praha, Czech Republic
Markéta Perroud, artistic co-director of Tanec Praha, Czech Republic
Pavla Petrová, director, Arts and Theatre Institute, Prague, Czech Republic
Peter Campbell Bensted, Artistic Director, The Cultural Association WorldWideWords, Byens Hus Roskilde, Denmark
Martin Damgaard, Constituted Executive Director, Swinging Europe, Herning, Denmark
Jesper de Neergaard, Artistic Director, Bora Bora - dance and visual theatre, Denmark
Nanna Guldhammer Wraae, painter and video artist, Denmark
Mikkel Harder Munck-Hansen, stage director, cultural leader, Copenhagen, Denmark
Frederik Hardvendel, Director, Danish Art Workshops, Copenhagen, Denmark
Jeppe H. Nissen, Producer and dramaturge, Bora Bora - dance and visual theatre, Denmark
Niels Righolt, CEO, Center for Kunst & Interkultur, Copenhagen, Denmark
Karin Seisbøll, producer at Vendsyssel Teater, Denmark
Hanne Svejstrup, Head of Activities, Dansehallerne, Denmark
Kaspar Aug, Marketing Project Manager, Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture, Estonia
Erni Kask, Member of the Board, Programme Coordinator, Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture, Estonia
Leelo Lehtla, Member of the Board of PLMF Music Trust and Owner & Director of PLMF Arts Management, Estonia
Toomas Peterson, Financial Manager, Tartu 2024 European Capital of Culture, Estonia
Berk Vaher, head of Tartu branch of Estonian Writers Union, board member at Prima Vista International Literary Festival, Tartu, Estonia
Elisa Thoma, Communication Manager on behalf of Live DMA, across Europe
Emilie Gardberg, Director, The Finnish Institute in London, Finland, UK and Ireland
Katarina Lindholm, Manager of International Affairs, Dance Info Finland, Finland
Marita Muukkonen, Co-Founding Director, Perpetuum Mobile (PM) / Artists at Risk (AR), an international organisation based in Helsinki and Berlin, Finland and Germany
Ivor Stodolsky, Co-Founding Director, Perpetuum Mobile (PM) / Artists at Risk (AR), an international organisation based in Helsinki and Berlin, Finland and Germany
Jonna Strandberg, Curator of Performing Arts, Kiasma Theatre, Finland
Isabelle Battioni, Déléguée générale, ACCR (Association des Centres culturels de rencontre), France
Hélène Billy, Cultural manager and consultant, Paris, France
Angie Cotte, Secretary General, Fanuk Fund, France
Philippe Fanjas, Director, French Association of Orchestras (AFO) France
Lauranne Germond, Director of COAL, Paris, France
Agnès Henry, extrapole, Director, Paris, France
Camille Jutant, MCF University Lyon 2, France
Frederic Mazelly, Artistic Director, la Villette- Paris, France
Julie Moreira-Miguel, Responsable relations avec les publics, Festival de Marseille, France
Agathe Ottavi, co-director, Cuesta, Rennes-Paris, France
Cécile Provôt, director, circusnext, Paris, France
Stéphane Segreto-Aguilar, Paris, France
Giambattista Tofoni, general manager EJN - Europe Jazz Network, Pantin, France
Tamar Kiknadze, Programmes Development Manager, Georgian Arts and Culture Center, Georgia
Astrid Behrens, stage and costume designer, artist, Munich, Germany
Anja Brixle, Andrea Marton and Simone Schulte-Aladag, Artistic directors, FOKUS TANZ Munich, Germany
Elsa Büsing, Dramaturg and Production Manager, Munich, Germany
Marcio Carvalho, artist and curator, from Portugal, based in Berlin, Germany
Stella Cristofolini, Cultural Scientist/cultural manager/artists/TAD et al./ berlin/duisburg, Germany
Daniel Gad, UNESCO Chair Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development, University of Hildesheim, Germany
Katerina Gnafaki, cultural manager and sound art curator, Germany
Sonja Greiner, Secretary General, on behalf of the European Choral Association - Europa Cantat, Bonn, Germany
Irene Hoppenberg, Artist, Berlin, Germany
Ruth Jakobi and Simone Dudt, Secretaries General in dual leadership at the European Music Council, Germany
Ariane Jedlitschka, artist and cultural manager - Helden wider Willen e.V., Leipzig, Germany
Lena Lappat, STAMP Festival, Hamburg, Germany
Bettina Lehmann, Zentralwerk e.V., Dresden, Germany
Lisette Reuter, Creative Director, Un-Label Performing Arts Company, Germany
Valentin Schmehl, Artist and Project Manager, Other Music Academy, Weimar, Germany
Simone Schulte-Aladag, TIna Meß, Tanzbüro München, Germany
Jotham Sietsma, Managing Director MitOst e.V., Berlin, Germany
Ian Smith, President, European Music Council, Germany and UK
Jacob Sylvester Bilabel, Founder, Green Music Initiative, Berlin, Germany
Laura Tucholski, STAMP Festival, Hamburg, Germany
Katharina von Ruckteschell-katte, Director Goethe-Institut London, Head of North Western Europe region, Germany
Yvonne Whyte, head of production, PACT Zollverein, Germany
Konstantina Karameri, Project Manager, CulturePolis, Corfu, Greece
Marilli Mastrantoni, Artistic Director / CEO, ENTROPIA Performing Arts Company, Athens, Greece
Andreas Stamatakis, Head of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Municipality of Levadia, Greece
Frosso Trousa , director ARC FOR DANCE FESTIVAL Athens, Greece
Beata Barda, Executive Director, Trafo House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest, Hungary
Tibor Kovács, assistant professor (Eger), voluntary vice mayor (Kisújszállás), Hungary
Gergely Talló, Director, Workshop Foundation, Budapest, Hungary
György Ujvári-Pintér, Manager of International Relations / Hodworks, Program Manager / Magic Mirror - Sziget Festival, Hungary
Tinna Grétarsdóttir, General manager, Dansverkstæðið, Reykjavík, Iceland
Alda Sigurðardóttir, Director, Gullkistan Center for Creativity, Iceland
Mary Conlon, Founder & Co-Director, Ormston House, Limerick City, Ireland
Kath Gorman, Head of Participation and Engagement, Cork Midsummer Festival, Ireland
Patricia McBride, Director, An Grianán Theatre, Letterkenny, Co Donegal, Ireland
Michael Mc Laughlin, Creative Europe Project Manager, Limerick Institute of Technology, Ireland
Jenny Traynor, Director, Dance Limerick, Ireland
Orlaith Treacy, Independent Curator & Producer, Kilkenny, Ireland
Giulia Allegrini, Research Fellow at the Department of the Art- University of Bologna, Italy
Andrea Berna, Direction office, Gender Bender Festival, Bologna, Italy
Luca Bergamo, Vice Mayor and Councillor for Cultural Development, City of Rome, Italy
Marina Bistolfi, vice President, Fabbrica Europa Foundation, and President, Centro di Creazione e Cultura, Florence, Italy
Francesco Calzolaio, President, Venti di Cultura, Venice, Italy
Cristina Carlini, President, - Live internationalization gateway, Milan, Italy
Enrico Casagrande, artistic director, Santarcangelo Festival, Italy
Maria Chiara Ciaccheri, Museum professional and cultural manager, Milan, Italy
Cristina Da Milano, president of ECCOM, Rome, Italy
Annalinda De Rosa, Department of Design, Politecnico di Milano, ITALY
Daniele Del Pozzo. Artistic director, Gender Bender Festival, Bologna, Italy
Davide Fassi, Associate professor, Politecnico di Milano, Milano, Italy
Maria Giulia Guiducci, project manager, Tutti Matti per Colorno, and press office manager, Santarcangelo Festival, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Francesca Manica, Dancing Days Curator @Romaeuropa Festival, Italy
Marta Moretti, Member, Venti di Cultura, Venice, Italy
Roberto Naccari, General Manager, Santarcangelo Festival, Italy
Daniela Nicolò, artistic director, Santarcangelo Festival, Italy
Roberta Paltrinieri, full Professor at the Department of the Arts, University of Bologna, and DAMSLab Scientific Coordinator, Italy
Matteo Rinaldini, Head of Communications, Santarcangelo Festival, Italy
Iante Roach, theatre-maker and playwright, Italy and UK
Emiliana Sabiu, project manager and founder, Associazione Cherimus, Sardinia, Italy
Monica Sartini, Production Manager, Santarcangelo Festival, Italy
Giulio Stumpo, Board Member, Live Internationalization Gateway, social enterprise, Milan, Italy
Pierluigi Vaccaneo, CEO, Betwyll Srl, Turin, Italy
Māris Grosbahs, curator, Roja Art Lab, based in Latvia and Lithuania
Zane Estere Gruntmane, Creative Producer/ Managing Director, Pigeon-bridge, Latvia
Dace Resele, Head of Northern Dimension Partnership on Culture Secretariat, Latvia
Goda Giedraityte, producer, International Arts Festival PLATFORMA, Lithuania
Agniete Lisickinaite, Head of Contemporary dance association, Lithuania
Gintarė Masteikaitė, Director of the Lithuanian dance information centre, Lithuania
Agnija Šeiko, choreographer, Šeiko dance company, Lithuania
Neringa Stoškutė, Kaunas Biennial Project Manager, Lithuania
Milica Popović, Agency and marketing advisor, Cultural centre "Nikola Djurkovic" Kotor, Montenegro
Nina Aalders, Dramaturg and programmer, Theaterfestival Boulevard, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Marjolein Cremer, Senior Advocacy Officer, European Cultural Foundation, The Netherlands
Kristin de Groot, Director, Dansateliers Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Carla Delfos, Director Art Futures, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Maria Hansen, Executive Director, ELIA, The Netherlands
Loes Hegger, director and theatermaker, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Arie Lengkeek, independent dramaturg and programme-maker, ACT/Art Climate Transition, The Netherlands
Walter Ligthart, Director, Theater Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Peggy Olislaegers, Associate on Research and Development Dutch National Ballet, dance dramaturge, The Netherlands
Job Rietvelt, International Affairs, Theaterfestival Boulevard, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Eliza Roberts, Executive Director, Res Artis, The Netherlands
Agnese Rosati, independent producer/manager, project coordinator ACT: Art Climate Transition, The Netherlands
Jolien Sanderse, producer events, Theater Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Alessandra Saviotti, curator and educator, Asociacion de Arte Util, PhD candidate at the Liverpool John Moores University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Tessa Smeulers, Program coordinator, Theaterfestival Boulevard, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Isabelle Schwarz, Head of Public Policy, European Cultural Foundation, The Netherlands
Riet van Gerven, Coördinator, SEA Foundation, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Viktorien van Hulst, Director, Theaterfestival Boulevard, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Wilma Vissers, International Active Visual Artist, Groningen, The Netherlands
Mark Yeoman, Artistic Director, Noorderzon Festival of Performing Arts & Society, Groningen, The Netherlands
Jana Kocevska, Manager, Feminist Culture and Action Festival, FIRSTBORN GIRL (ПРВО ПА ЖЕНСКО), Skopje, North Macedonia
Kristina Lelovac, Actress and Program Manager, Festival of Feminist Culture and Action FIRSTBORN GIRL (ПРВО ПА ЖЕНСКО), Skopje, North Macedonia
Biljana Tanurovska Kjulavkovski, executive director, Lokomotiva - Centre for New Initiatives in Arts and Culture, North Macedonia
Sven Birkeland, artistic and managing director BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen, Norway
Maiken Garder, producer, Dansearena nord, Norway
Susanne Næss Nielsen, director, Dansearena nord, Norway
Saskia Wieringa, Producer Dansens Hus, Norway
Alicja Kaczmarek, Director, Centrala-Space, Polish Expats Association, Poland and UK
Joanna Lesnierowska, Chief Dance Curator, Art Stations Foundation, Poznan, Poland
Katarzyna Mlynczak-Sachs, Head of Krupa Gallery Foundation, Wroclaw, Poland
Larry Okey Ugwu. Director, Baltic Sea Cultural Center, Gdansk, Poland
Joanna Śnieżko Misterek, executive director, European Shakespeare Festivals Network, Poland
Aleksandra Szymańska, Director of City Culture Institute, Gdańsk, Poland
Larry Ugwu, Director of The Baltic Sea Culture Centre, Gdańsk, Poland
Sara Baga, independent visual artist, Lisbon, Portugal
Nuno Miguel Candeias Pereira, Director, LAC - Laboratório de Actividades Criativas, Cultural Association, Lagos, Portugal
Mark Deputter, Administrator and Artistic Director of Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos - Culturgest, Lisbon, Portugal
Rui Horta, Artistic Director, O Espaço do Tempo,Choreographer, Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal
Pia Krämer, Senior Advisor Dancehouse Helsinki and European Dancehouse Network Manager at interims, Portugal and Germany
Cristina Bodnarescu, Cultural producer, Somes Delivery, Cluj, Romania
Marina Hanganu, theatre director, artistic secretary and cultural projects responsible, Teatrul Dramatic “George Ciprian” Buzău, Romania
Simona Neumann, CEO Timisoara 2021 - European Capital of Culture; member of the Executive Committee of Culture Action Europe, Timisoara, Romania
Andris Ovidiu Florian, President of the Trib’Art Association, Timisoara, Romania
Chris Torch, Independent Intercultural Policy Expert, project designer, former artistic director for SEAS (2004-2010) and CORNERS (2011-2018), both EU Creative Europe large-scale collaborative projects, Timișoara, Romania
Rarita Zbranca, Cluj Cultural Centre, Romania
Milena Dragićević Šešić, University of Arts, Belgrade, Serbia
Dragana Jevtic, Founder and Director, Creative Mentorship, Serbia
Dragana Jovovic, producer, Serbia
Višnja Kisić, Secretary General, Europa Nostra Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
Tatjana Mateša, Project Manager and actress, Novo Kulturno Naselje, Novi Sad, Serbia
Dijana Metlić, Associate professor of Art History, Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Marija Popović, Assessor for the British Council and Ecorys, UK; Cultural producer and EU project manager, Serbia
Milica Rašković, Culture Manager, Novi Sad 2021 - European Capital of Culture, Serbia
Andrija Stojanović, NGO Point of Communication, Serbia
Irina Subotić, prof.emeritus, Academy of Arts, University of Novi Sad, Serbia
Dragana Alfirević, NOMAD DANCE ACADEMY, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, and Croatia
Mario Batelic, radio host at Radio Student, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Katja Beck Kos, Tourist cooperative VIvid City, Maribor, Slovenia
Enya Belak Gupta, independent artist, Slovenia
Mitja Bravhar, theatre and dance programme manager, Kino Šiška, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mateja Bučar, choreographer, president of DUM - Association of Artists, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Lado Jakša, freelance artist, composer, photograph, Slovenia
Urška Jež, President of the Managing Board, Association for the Promotion of Women in Culture - City of Women, Slovenia
Nevenka Koprivšek, Artistic director, Bunker Mladi levi festival, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Iztok Kovač, director of EN-KNAP and Španski Borci Cultural Centre, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Amelia Kraigher, Editor in Chief, Založba /*cf., Ljubljana, Slovenia
Neva Kralj, self-employed artist, director of Dance Epicenter, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Mateja Meh, producer of festivals, House! society for people and places, Maribor, Slovenia
Matej Nikšič, Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maja Pegan, self employed cultural manager and pedagog, Maribor, Slovenia
Dan Podjed, Research Fellow and Assistant Professor, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Slovenia
Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik, choreographer and teacher, Federacija, Slovenia
Teja Reba, program director, City of Women, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Alma R. Selimović, Development Director, Bunker, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Vesna Tripković, head of culture department, Pionirski dom, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tea Vidmar, Head of international cooperation, Gledališče Ane Monro, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Maja Vižin, executive producer, Bunker, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Natasa Zavolovsek, Director and producer of Exodos, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Benjamin Alonso, President of Teinkart associacion, Bilbao, Spain
Mónica Ballesteros (illustrator and actress) and Mònica Díaz (graphic designer and teacher) - members of the "La Gàl·lia", Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona), Spain
Jordi Baltà Portolés, cultural policy researcher and consultant, United Cities and Local Governments Culture Committee / Trànsit Projectes, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Odette Brady, Head of Independent Artist Residency Cel del Nord, Lluçanès, Spain
Laura Miguel Baumann, Head of Fundesarte, Spain
Carlos Belda, Director of Teatro El Sauzal, Tenerife, Canary islands, Spain
Chanine (Nien) Boots, Cultural and Social Worker, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Spain
Anna Carreras, digital artist and teacher, Barcelona, Spain
Ivan Castro, calligrapher and letter artist, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Laura del Valle, visual artist and filmmaker, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Joanjo Esteban, art director CCCA - Can Castells Centre d’Art, Sant Boi de LLobregat (Barcelona), Spain
Eneko Garate, Director, Libros de Ruta Ediciones SL, Bilbao, Spain
Laura Kumin, President, Paso a 2 Plataforma Coreográfica/Director Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid, Spain
Marta Llobet, Cultural advisor, United Cities and Local Governments Culture Committee, Barcelona, Spain
Marc Olivé López, programer and artist development at Mercat de les Flors-House of Dance, Spain
Vicenç Mayans, Artist Manager, Palosanto Projects, Catalonia
Alfredo Miralles, cultural manager and coordinator of Art and Science Platform at Aula de las Artes - Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Neus Oriol Bonachera, Cultural Producer, La Bonne - Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison, Barcelona, Spain
Carlos Alonso Naya, Director, Trayectos Dance Festival, Zaragoza, Spain
Jordi Pascual, Coordinator of the Culture Committee, United Cities and Local Governments - UCLG, Barcelona, Spain
Patricio Pron, writer, Argentine, based in Madrid, Spain
Mónica Rikic, New Media Artist, Barcelona, Spain
Eduardo Ruiz, visual artist, teacher and researcher, Barcelona, Spain
Carmina Salvatierra Capdevila, PhD, Universitat de Barcelona, Theatre teacher, Barcelona, Spain
Iker Tolosa, Director of Atlantikaldia Festival, Errenteria, Basque Country
Andrea Traldi, President, Asociación BecomeBecome, Spain
Birgit Berndt, Artistic Director, Norrlandsoperan, Sweden
Tomas Dahlberg, cultural planner and head of cultural department Laxå municipality, Sweden
Iwona Preis, Director, Intercult, Stockholm, Sweden
Fredrik Schirén, Artistic Director TWEAK, Växjö, Sweden
Eyrun Thorhallsdottir, Regional Dance Advisor, Cultural Development Administration, Region Västra Götaland, Sweden
Etrit Hasler, Director Suisseculture Sociale, Zurich, Switzerland
Catja Loepfe, Artistic Director of Tanzhaus Zurich, Switzerland
Alex Meszmer, Director, Suisseculture, Zurich, Switzerland
Valérie Niederoest, Deputy Director and co-programmer at Théâtre Sévelin 36, Lausanne, Switzerland
Reto Müller, Director Transitory Museum @ Pfyn, Pfyn, Switzerland
Philippe Saire, Founder and artistic director of Théâtre Sévelin 36 in Lausanne, Switzerland
Gwen Hsin-Yi CHANG, Head, International Partnerships, National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts (Weiwuying), Taiwan
Liudmyla Nychai, Projects coordinator of NGO Congress of Cultural Activists, Director of NVAIR - International A-I-R program, Kyiv, Ukraine
Terese Svoboda, writer, US