There is beauty in this journey
Star & Shadow, Warwick Street, Newcastle upon Tyne NE2 1BB
Tuesday 18th December 2018
6.30pm - 8.30pm
8:30 onwards – seasonal drinks with D6
Come and join us at the Star and Shadow on the 18th of December!
It is International Migrants Day and people across the globe will be celebrating the positive impact, contributions and vitality of migration in their own communities.
In Newcastle we will be hosting a night of music from some of the North East’s finest musicians, Bethany Elen Coyle and the Crossings Band; hearing wonderful stories from the community through spoken word and presenting the work of artists, living, working or visiting our city. We shall be screening the film We Shall Overswim created by cross-disciplinary artist Borjana Ventzislavova, and commissioned by D6.
Come early and share some food and drinks. After the event concludes around 8.30pm, stay for seasonal drinks and plenty of dancing with D6, and music from Marek Gabrysch. The paid bar will remain open until 10.30pm.
D6 are passionate about people coming together for International Migrants Day 2018, not only to celebrate the positive impact of migration on our shared cultural heritage but also to promote the rights of migrants and help foster a welcoming city in this time of challenge and change.
This event is free, but please book your ticket via EventBrite by clicking here.
Want to find out more?
This event marks the beginning of There is Beauty is this Journey, a new programme produced by D6, supporting artist residencies, events, commissions and collaborations taking place in 2019 and beyond. Contact Andrea at D6 if you would like more information: 0191 261 4407.
There is Beauty in This Journey is kindly supported using public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England and the Newcastle Culture Investment Fund.
Tuesday 18th December 2018
6.30pm - 8.30pm
8:30 onwards – seasonal drinks with D6
Come and join us at the Star and Shadow on the 18th of December!
It is International Migrants Day and people across the globe will be celebrating the positive impact, contributions and vitality of migration in their own communities.
In Newcastle we will be hosting a night of music from some of the North East’s finest musicians, Bethany Elen Coyle and the Crossings Band; hearing wonderful stories from the community through spoken word and presenting the work of artists, living, working or visiting our city. We shall be screening the film We Shall Overswim created by cross-disciplinary artist Borjana Ventzislavova, and commissioned by D6.
Come early and share some food and drinks. After the event concludes around 8.30pm, stay for seasonal drinks and plenty of dancing with D6, and music from Marek Gabrysch. The paid bar will remain open until 10.30pm.
D6 are passionate about people coming together for International Migrants Day 2018, not only to celebrate the positive impact of migration on our shared cultural heritage but also to promote the rights of migrants and help foster a welcoming city in this time of challenge and change.
This event is free, but please book your ticket via EventBrite by clicking here.
Want to find out more?
This event marks the beginning of There is Beauty is this Journey, a new programme produced by D6, supporting artist residencies, events, commissions and collaborations taking place in 2019 and beyond. Contact Andrea at D6 if you would like more information: 0191 261 4407.
There is Beauty in This Journey is kindly supported using public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England and the Newcastle Culture Investment Fund.